Our respectful relationships with our community, system-wide partners and each other drive collaboration and better outcomes.
Every day, we engage and collaborate with healthcare providers, academic partners and colleagues to improve the health and wellbeing of our communities. Together, we listen, learn and act to achieve better patient outcomes and drive system reform.
Key initiatives
New partnership strategy
Collaborative model for new Community Hospitals
Strengthen local collaboration to support preventative initiatives
Strengthen links with community organisations
Improve shared care models and referral pathways with GPs
Improve integrated technology and connected systems
Implement a coordinated approach to managing projects
Strengthen collaboration with university partners
Build stronger connections between researchers, educators, clinical leaders and frontline staff
Measuring our impact
Increased referral pathways
Increased participation in projects and committees
Development of an innovative model of care for Community Hospitals
Improved outcomes for patients with multiple, chronic or complex conditions
Improved, productive relationships with partners