New hospital to transform health of the west

A new era for health in the west has commenced with construction of the $1.5 billion new Footscray Hospital kicking off on March 26 with the official 'sod turning'.
Western Health Board Chair Robyn Batten and Chief Executive Russell Harrison, were joined by Health Minister The Hon Martin Foley MP and Member for Footscray Katie Hall MP – along with former health minister and Member for Altona Jill Hennessy MP – for the official event.
The designs for the new hospital, the biggest health infrastructure project in Victoria's history, were also revealed for the first time.
Transforming the health of the west, the new hospital will have over 500 beds, treat almost 15,000 additional patients and allow almost 20,000 extra people to be seen by the emergency department each year. There will also be more outpatient, mental health, palliative care and surgical services to support our growing community.
The new hospital will replace the existing Footscray Hospital on Gordon St, which was opened in the 1950's.
Construction is underway at the new site on corner Ballarat and Geelong road (opposite Victoria University) with the hospital set to open in 2025.
The hospital is being delivered by the Plenary Health consortium, comprising Plenary Group as sponsor, investor and asset manager, Multiplex as builder, Honeywell and Compass Group as facility services providers and Sojitz Corporation as investor.
View the designs of the new hospital