A Western Health-led report calling for mandatory drug labelling standards to
help prevent mistakes resulting from medication packaging has been published in
the latest ANZCA Bulletin and has recieved national media coverage.
The cover story in the latest edition of the ANZCA Bulletin (Australian and
New Zealand College of Anaesthesia) focuses on a need for mandatory drug
labelling standards to help prevent mistakes resulting from medication
Variable drug packaging and look-alike drugs pose particular
challenges for anaesthetists.
In January, Western Health submitted a report,
endorsed by ANZCA, to the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) that documented
medication errors across Victoria involving neuromuscular blocking agents.
Western Health Senior Pharmacist, Amy McRae and Deputy Director of
Anaesthesia and Pain Medicine, Dr David Bramley have led
this research.
Please click on the following link to view a copy of the ANZCA