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GEM@HOME program launches

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GEM@HOME program launches

​Western Health's GEM@HOME program commenced on Monday 16th August, 2021.

The program offers patients the opportunity to achieve their care goals, and best possible level of health and function, in their home environment; reducing the time spent in, and risks associated with, hospitalisation.  

The first patient admitted to the program, Alexander Knight, said the service had helped him get better at everyday activities, "being in my own environment has helped" he said. "Seeing everyone regularly has been really good".

GEM@HOME Occupational Therapist, Madeleine Struck, said the program enables patients to be at the centre of their care, "it's a program enabling patients to set goals that are personally relevant, and to practice these in their own environment which increases chance of success".

Noela Tennant, one of the program's first patients, said "GEM@HOME is 1000% better than being in hospital". Her husband John said the program had enabled the two of them to be together during Noela's recovery. "I can 'visit' her anytime I like," he said. "I am not restricted like we are at the hospital. It's better surroundings for her at home…She can look at her favourite flowers outside of the window when she wants. She can interact with the neighbours. The food tastes better at home".

Referrals for Western Health inpatients to the GEM@HOME program can be made via SNAP.  

Patient Noela.jpg