Myrtle Agnes Kidd has reached the most marvellous of milestones, celebrating a century of life.
Friends and family and carers are grateful to have the chance to mark her 100th birthday with a series of carefully orchestrated celebrations that take into consideration COVID-19 restrictions.
Myrtle is a resident at Western Health's residential care unit Grant Lodge in Bacchus Marsh, which provides a safe home like environment and lifestyle enhancement program.
The staff are hosting a party for the centenarian's special day.
Over the years at Grand Lodge, Myrtle has enjoyed a range of activities, including: cooking, crafts, gardening, Bingo and listening to music.
Grant Lodge Enrolled Nurse Teagan Schneider said advancing dementia and old age had slowed Myrtle down in recent years, but she said she was still a "five foot nothing firecracker."
Daughter in law Shirley Kidd said that Myrtle was a mother of three, who spent many years working as a seamstress.
"She was so accomplished that she would often be tasked with completing unfinished garments," Shirley said.
Myrtle was born in Bacchus Marsh, the third born to Alice and Peter Gillepsie.
When she was young, her parents never thought she would make it to adulthood, let alone dare to dream that she would make it to 100.
"Myrtle was very sick as a baby," Shirley said.
"She had renal trouble and she wasn't expected to live beyond childhood, but her kidneys stabilised and now she's 100, she's outdone herself."
Myrtle's family moved regularly for her father's work, they lived in Eildon Weir, Myrniong, Yarraville, West Footscray, Ardeer and Rockbank.
The Scouts and Probus provided a rich source of companionship, connection and community for Myrtle and her late husband Harry.
Myrtle and Harry had three children, seven grandchildren and12 great grandchildren.
"She loves her family and we are looking forward to getting together to celebrate her birthday," Shirley said.